Beldui, this name was given to our wine because it was the original name of our house, this house is a typical farmhouse of our valley and dates from the mid-18th century. Ojo gallo was the name that formerly received the pink txakoli in our valley due to the existence of a native breed of chickens which had that color of eyes, here the name refers to the name in Basque of the roundness of the bubbles. In some writings found in the monastery of San Millan de la Cogolla, it is said that in the 10th century there was a monastery near our farmhouse where they already had the production of wine as part of their daily work and with this, we show that in our valley it already existed this crop a millennium ago.

Beldui | Beldui Txakolina
D.O. Arabako Txakolina · White · Dry
Xiribil | Beldui Txakolina
D.O. Arabako Txakolina · White · Dry
Santi Victori et Santi Jacobi | Baldui Txakolina
D.O. Arabako Txakolina · White · Sparkling