New 2021 vintage of the natural sparkling wine of the Can Sumoi family made 100% with the local Montònega variety, vinified with the ancestral method. Simple, but with character. High intensity on the nose, fresh and saline on the palate. 


This beautiful farmhouse, 600 m high in the Baix Penedés, is the origin of Can Sumoi. Farmhouse and estate that captivated Pepe Raventós in 2016 for its beauty. Origin of the natural wines of Can Sumoi, which today are already: two white wines, a rosé, a red and an ancestral. 


This past February, at the Can Sumoi estate, they woke up to this beautiful landscape, while their team was carrying out one of the most important jobs, the winter pruning, on their way to recovering these beautiful old vines.